Prologue Chronic Kidney Disease Reversal 

On September 28, 2022 I was handed a warning of life threatening Chronic Kidney Disease. Over 37 million American are estimated to have some degree of CKD, and only one in seven of those know they are in peril, which included me! Within 12 hours I was able to diagnose the etiology, “Malignant Hypertension”, meaning uncontrollable high blood pressure. Using the same skills of logic and common sense that allowed me to discover the source of 80% of all dental decay and eliminate that threat for the three generations of patients who were fortunate enough to grow up in this practice since 1983, I set out from the etiology of my disease, high blood pressure,  and worked to understand and eliminate this common source for the 17 million or half of the 37 million of my fellow Americans who are suffering from CKD caused by hypertension.

I set out on a mission to first understand my own hypertension, with the altruistic goal of relying on traditional Western medicine for a year before switching to the well known antioxidant Ozone. Ozone has been dismissed by our very own highly biased, unscientific, and misguided FDA according to the FDA website, as having “No known use on medicine for Ozone” despite thousands of peer reviewed articles published world wide.

As has been verified by several other practitioners of the art of medicine who have reversed CKD, Within twelve treatments my eGFR, estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, the standard for estimating kidney function, had begun to recover into survivable ranges.  I will give full credit to some well meaning physicians in my FIVE medical groups who would have hastened my decline into dialysis with bad decisions regarding my medications. I took full control of my destiny and kept meticulous records of my daily swings in blood pressure until it became obvious that a pattern was emerging of blood pressure responding to my circadian rhythm divided roughly into the 12 hour sleep cycle and 12 hour waking cycle. The medications required to balance my nocturnal blood pressure were radically different than the few needed to control my blood pressure during my 12 hour waking cycle.

As my blood pressure was forced into normal range, the myth of “Malignant Hypertension” was exposed. My uncontrolled blood pressure was simply the result of a lack of resources to control blood pressure, and I map out a clear path forward to address difficult cases of hypertension. 

I address all of these issues for a pure medical and scientific approach in the complex and inclusive article coauthored by myself, Carol Vander Stoep, and Merrel Holly. I am merely the messenger for the sections dealing with using Ozone to unclog the glomeruli of the kidneys. I will take credit for debunking the myth of “Malignant Hypertension”. While this is basically a case history study,  supporting evidence of CKD reversal in four other patents in response to  Ozone treatment is included in the article. This will be the basis of other studies in the near future supporting the lifesaving effects of Ozone. We also briefly touch on another phenomenon associated with Ozone treatment, stopping the progression of rheumatoid arthritis without the draconian side effects of drugs pushed by Big Pharma.

I also recognized that CKD is more of a threat in the underdeveloped world whose victims cannot afford the luxury of labor intensive treatment with disposables and trained medical professionals. I devised and documented a system I use on myself that brings the cost of a single treatment after the equipment needed to generate medical grade Ozone down to the cost of an insulin syringe.

More study is needed. 


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