COVID-19 I was right in 2020

In 2020, I added the usual COVID 19 blurb which you can read below. As we advanced into the pandemic, by March it became apparent that only those of us over 60 or so or with pre-existing conditions were at serious risk. Taking a scientific approach, this initiated my writing a Letter to the Editor of the local newspapers. I was met with dismay by members of my family. 

In those most dreaded of words, I was right. Read for yourself. This is Letter-to-the-Editor, March 2020.

2020_03-24 Enough Victoria Advocate.pdf

 I followed this up with another devastating "I was right". And in the true form of today's "Cancel Culture" and suppression of freedom of speech, NONE of the editors would publish this editorial. I assume because it doesn't meet their narrative(s).  

 2022_01-19 COVID Mandates.pdf

I will note that as of 8/18/2022, The FDA and CDC have both admitted that they got it wrong. Read my letter to the editor which the Victoria Advocate would not print: 2020_03-24 Enough Victoria Advocate.pdf All America and the rest of the world needed was a good dentist. I followed this letter up with a scathing rebuke of The Victoria Advocate's masquerade as a representative of the free press: 2022_10-25 Free Speech Week Advocate.pdfOf course, in keeping with the status quo of the cancel culture, the Advocate would not publish this challenge to their hypocrisy.

 We have all witnessed the success of evil in our lifetimes. As a scientist, I deeply resent the incursions non-scientists make into the world of science trying to masquerade their evil intent. One of the greatest hypocrites of all time has been none other than Anthony Fauci. Read on:

2023_10-08 Anthony Fauci.pdf

We applied for the PPP loan, and with spare time on my hands, I initiated an effort to make my office the safest and cleanest environment at least in the State of Texas. Among our nine staff members, we have not had one single case of COVID that coincided with an incubation time related to our practice hours. Meanwhile, I know of several practices where most or the entire staff came down with COVID. I shared my innovations and protocols widely, and not a single dentist followed suit. 

 Again, if you are looking for a practice with the health and welfare of the patient foremost, look no further. In this PowerPoint, here's what to look for in a clean office environment:

2020_03-11 Clean Office Environment.pdf

As another indictment of organized dentistry, I did share what I had accomplished with both the ADA and the Texas Dental Association. Even though both had collaborated in issuing guidelines and I exceeded those guidelines I was almost completely ignored. Also, I had presented a low-cost solution to the recommendation for chairside filtration with my 'Negative Air Pressure Machine", which was completely ignored. Chairside filtration met the greatest resistance among dentists.  I think this would have been a good article for the ADA and TDA journals. Currently, a good follow-up article asking the ADA and the TDA why they ignored logical solutions to the dilemmas they were trying to remedy is indeed appropriate and timely. 

On another note, I had patented the ONLY FDA CLEARED AND PATENTED DENTAL UNIT coinciding with a request from the ADA to solve the problem of contaminated water that is the norm in dental offices. Again, it was completely ignored by the American Dental Association. Neither the ADA nor the majority of dentists care.

Without one trace of cynicism, what the world is up against is entrenched bureaucracy and the need to maintain the status quo while accumulating as much power as possible.  Nothing changes unless the plaintiff's attorneys smell blood and force change on whatever industry they target. In my opinion, dentistry is ripe for the picking. 



At Advancing Dentistry, your health and the health of our staff are of the utmost importance.  To ensure your health and the health of our staff, we do follow usual universal precautions in our operatories and office. Additionally, every half hour to an hour we wipe down the waiting room and common spaces with disinfectant.

For the protection of all our patients and staff due the recent outbreak of coronavirus, we are requesting the following:

  • If you have an illness or are exhibiting symptoms, we recommend you cancel and reschedule your dental appointment. Some illness and symptoms include:
    • a cold or the flu
    • fever or nausea
    • severe headaches or body aches
    • muscle or stomach pain, chest pain or difficulty breathing
    • vomiting or diarrhea
    • active tuberculosis (TB)
    • mumps, measles, chickenpox
    • other contagious disease
  • Please notify our staff before your appointment if you or someone you are in close contact with have recently traveled to one of the countries with large outbreaks of COVID-19 (ex. China, Italy, Iran, South Korea) or if you have been exposed to someone else who was diagnosed with COVID-19 or who was quarantined as a precaution.

If you are healthy, there’s no need to cancel your regularly scheduled dental appointment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us immediately.   The below links provide additional information regarding the coronavirus:

Our team will continue to monitor the situation and provide updated information when warranted.  Thank you for your patronage.

Where to Find Us

P O Box 1044Refugio, TX 78377Get Directions361-526-4695

This unique practice of J Tim Rainey, DDS, MAGD is dedicated to “Minimally Invasive Preventive Dentistry™ and Esthetic Dentistry.” Click on our “Magic of the Week” tab to see what can be done in one appointment and usually without shots and needles! Almost every week we have persons who come from all over, driving past hundreds of other practices, for our diagnostic and artistic talents. Send us information on your esthetic needs, x-rays, pictures, treatment plans for our free “Second Opinion

P O Box 1044Refugio, TX 78377Get Directions361-526-4695

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